Posts Tagged ‘toad’

How to open and edit an erx / ER diagram file in Toad

October 21st, 2014

Creating an ER diagram in Toad is simple. Opening is not. Searching the intertoobs gives the result, mostly, to use Toad data modeler. My Toad data modeler version simply refuses to let me add new tables to a diagram.

So here is my solution.
First ditch Toad data modeler.

Create the ER diagram in Toad->menu->Database->Report->ErDiagram.

ER diagram menu in Toad.

Open an existing ER diagram through Toad->menu->Database->Report->ErDiagram as above.
But instead of editing look on the ugly toolbar for Open file.
Now one can edit the ER diagram.

Open file button in numerous tool bars in Toad.