Posts Tagged ‘parallells’

Mac OSX, Parallels, Windows 8, Visual studio 2012 and VS drops all keyboard events

November 22nd, 2012

For my fellow googlewithbingers out there:

If you run a setup like mine with Win8 running on OSX through Parallels and your VS2012 sometimes stops responding to key presses; activate another application, then press the windows/command button for getting the start screen and then choose VS2012.  Your already running VS gets focus and the keyboard is restored.

Don’t know why this works.  There are certainly better workarounds.  The problem with probably go away in the future.  But for now it saves me.

Install Windows8 through Parallells on Mac/OSX

April 6th, 2012

Installing Windows8 consumer preview on a Max/OSX running Parallells works like a charm.  I even saw a button in Parallells to install Win8; I guess Parallells downloads and installs everything.  I had downloaded the gigs already so I chose to install from ISO.

It can also be an advantage to install on a mac since the touchpad is fantastic.

Next mission is to install Visualstudio11.


Visualstudio11 works.


Multitouch on the Mac mouse does not work when you write your own WPF applications as mentioned on Stackoverflow.